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Extended Diagnosis File

Column Name Type Format / Value Checks Additional Comments
ind_id string


Must match exactly with Subject Code submitted to Sampled (formerly IBX).

Field is a required field and cannot be left empty.

Definition: The unique individual id submitted to Sampled (formerly IBX) with the biospecimen.

Comments: IMPORTANT —This id is used to verify subject \ NRGR_BIO_ID pairs at Sampled (formerly IBX). Therefore, the id you submit here should match exactly the subject-code submitted to Sampled (formerly IBX).

dx_rank integer

Valid Values:

Integer 1 or greater.


Field is a required field and cannot be left empty.

Definition: Since an individual may have several rows with diagnostic codes, this column ranks the diagnosis by order of clinical relevance for the disease under study. The most relevant diagnosis should have the value 1, the second most relevant should have the value 2, and so on in order of decreasing relevance. Several diagnoses at the same rank are allowed. The diagnosis represented in the _sub file’s dx_study field is assumed to have dx_rank 1. Assigning a diagnosis in the _edx file rank 1 indicates it is equally as important as the diagnosis in the _sub file.

Sample value:  1

dx_study string

Valid Values:

A diagnostic code values from the DSM or an approved diagnostic system.


Field is a required field and cannot be left empty.

Definition: Investigator-provided specific diagnosis in a given diagnostic system.

Sample value: 295.70

Comments: dx codes in this file should use a standard dx_system, see valid values and linked code sets below.

dx_system string(15)

Valid Values:

DSM3R=Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 3rd Edition, Revision (DSM-III-R)

NRGR_DSM3R=Supplemental codes for DSM3R, curated by NRGR

DSM4=Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 4th Edition & 4th Edition, Text Revision

NRGR_DSM4=Supplemental codes for DSM4, curated by NRGR

DSM5_ICD9=Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 5th Edition. International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems, 9th Revision

NRGR_DSM5_ICD9=Supplemental codes for DSM5-ICD9, curated by NRGR

DSM5_ICD10=Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 5th Edition. International Statistical Classification of Disease and Related Health Problems, 10th Revision

NRGR_DSM5_ICD10=Supplemental codes for DSM5-ICD9, curated by NRGR

RDC=Research Diagnostic Criteria Codes

MRDC=Modified Research Diagnostic Criteria Codes

ICD9_MED=Supplemental medical codes for ICD9, curated by NRGR

ICD10_MED=Supplemental medical codes for ICD10, curated by NRGR

SS=Study Specific. If study specific, please provide dx definitions and descriptions in the "Diagnosis File (_Dx)"

Definition: diagnostic system for specific diagnosis

Sample value: SS

Comments: dx codes in this file should use a standard dx_system, specified in the Notice of Grant Award.

If you want to use diagnostic codes in a system other than those defined in the "values" column to the left, please submit a diagnosis data dictionary file (in Investigator-Defined Main Diagnosis (_dx) File format) to help@nrgr.on.spiceworks.com for approval.

dx_confidence integer

Valid Values:

1=Unknown; dx_study value asserted but completeness of diagnosis status and supporting information is unknown

2=Low; only some diagnostic criteria met for dx study as defined in the _dx file

3=Medium; all criteria met for dx study as defined in the _dx file, no supporting information

4=High; all criteria met for dx study as defined in the _dx file, and has supporting information


Field is a required field and cannot be left empty.

Definition: Confidence on the diagnosis in the dx_study field

Sample value: 4

Note: a dx_confidence vale of "4" IS compatible with a dx_external_support value of "E"

Empty string is considered an invalid value.

Empty strings should be represented with the value NULL

dx_external_support string(1)

Valid Values:

E=Diagnosis supported by external information

I=Diagnosis supported by data submitted to repository


Field is a required field and cannot be left empty.

Definition: Diagnosis based on information that is not (or cannot be) submitted to the Center. This missing information overrules some information that was submitted to the Center. For example, medical records, interviews with family members, etc.

Sample value: I

Submissions for Autism

age_onset_months integer(4)


Age of Onset (months).


Age should be between 0 and 1560.

Definition: Age of individual in months at time of onset of specific diagnosis

Sample value: 200

Empty string is considered an invalid value.

Empty strings should be represented with the value NULL

Submissions for Other Disorders

age_onset_years integer(3)


Age of Onset (years).


Age should be between 0 and 130.

Definition: Age of individual in years at time of onset of specific diagnosis

Sample value: 20

Empty string is considered an invalid value.

Empty strings should be represented with the value NULL