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Who We Are

Our Team

The NIMH Repository and Genomics Resource (NRGR) is a collaborative venture between the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) and several academic institutions. Rutgers University is the primary partner, with Drs. Jay Tischfield and James Knowles serving as the Principal Investigators of the U24 cooperative agreement that funds the Repository. Dr. Tischfield oversees biospecimen activities while Dr. Knowles manages the clinical data activities of the Repository. Several additional groups play critical roles in the Repository:

  • Sampled, formerly Infinity Biologix (IBX), conducts the biospecimen processing, analysis, storage, and distribution.
  • The Rutgers Data Management team processes researcher-submitted clinical and genetic data, working to regularize and harmonize data to enhance their utility to subsequent investigators. The Data Management team is led by Dr. Knowles.
  • The Information Sciences Institute (ISI) at USC develops and manages our database and web systems, including the Data Explorer, the AutoQC system, and the Sample Ordering Portal. The ISI team is led by Dr. Jose-Luis Ambite.
  • Mathematical Medicine LLC (MathMed) creates tools and workflows to curate and harmonize data from complex diagnostic instruments such as the DIGS. The MathMed team is led by Dr. Veronica Vieland.