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Diagnosis File

Diagnosis File

Column Name Type Format / Value Checks Additional Comments
study_id integer(3)

Cannot be left empty

Values of the (study_id, dx_study) must be unique

Definition: Study ID assigned to your project by NRGR.

Sample value when dx_system is SS: SADD

Sample value when dx_system is DSM4: 295.70

dx_study string

Cannot be left empty

Values of the (study_id, dx_study) must be unique

Definition: A unique, short code used to represent a diagnosis code contained in the dx_study column of the submission file.

Sample value:  295.70

dx_system string(15)

Valid Values:

DSM3R=Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 3rd Edition, Revision (DSM-III-R)

NRGR_DSM3R=Supplemental codes for DSM3R, curated by NRGR

DSM4=Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 4th Edition & 4th Edition, Text Revision

NRGR_DSM4=Supplemental codes for DSM4, curated by NRGR

DSM5_ICD9=Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 5th Edition. International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems, 9th Revision

NRGR_DSM5_ICD9=Supplemental codes for DSM5-ICD9, curated by NRGR

DSM5_ICD10=Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 5th Edition. International Statistical Classification of Disease and Related Health Problems, 10th Revision

NRGR_DSM5_ICD10=Supplemental codes for DSM5-ICD9, curated by NRGR

RDC=Research Diagnostic Criteria Codes

MRDC=Modified Research Diagnostic Criteria Codes

ICD9_MED=Supplemental medical codes for ICD9, curated by NRGR

ICD10_MED=Supplemental medical codes for ICD10, curated by NRGR

SS=Study Specific

Definition: diagnostic system for specific diagnosis

Sample value: DSM4

Comments: dx codes in this file should use a standard dx_system, or be indicated as study-specific ("SS"), see valid dx_system values and linked code sets.

definition string Cannot be left empty

Definition: A long value used to represent the diagnosis code contained in the dx_study column of the submission file. If not using a study-specific dx_system, this field should use the exact text from the appropriate code set (e.g. DSM4, DSM5_ICD9, etc).

Sample valueSchizoaffective disorder, depressive type

description string Cannot be left empty

Definition: Detailed description for the diagnosis code used in the dx_study column of the submission file. This should include detailed information regarding the diagnostic procedure, instruments used, and personnel. For diagnoses such as “control” and “unaffected”, or any diagnosis using a study-specific dx_system, use this field to specify the inclusion/exclusion criteria used for the diagnosis.

Sample value: Schizoaffective disorder, depressive type, diagnosed using the Structured Clinical Instrument for DSM Disorders