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Schizophrenia 20.6

The Schizophrenia (SZ) Distribution v20.6 was published on 2024-10-02. There are 54703 individuals, 37767 of whom have at least one biosample on record at the repository. In addition to case/control studies, the Schizophrenia collection includes 16 family studies, one or more of which are large/multigenerational.

Standard Data & Documentation

  • Distribution Bundle [ or ]: Standard files across disorders, containing demographic, diagnostic, and pedigree information. Sampled (formerly IBX) sample IDs (nrgr_bio_id) and consent level are also provided. Bundle includes data dictionaries.
  • Study Descriptions.
  • .
  • .

Additional Data Files

Genetic Data

Full Genome Genotyping

  • Genome-wide Pedigree Data, December 2012, n=1534 pedigrees.
  • For more information, visit the CAPS homepage.
  • SNP Genotypes for Select Pedigrees, April 2014, n=47 pedigrees, 330 subjects. Affymetrix Axiom Lat platform. .CEL files must be shipped due to the large size of the files. To request shipment, please contact help@nrgr.on.spiceworks.com and reference your active access approval ID.
  • For more information, visit the CAPS homepage.

Genetic Data

Full Genome Genotyping

Genetic Data

Full Genome Genotyping

  • Full genome screen, 12,015 markers. 1,546 subjects. Data is provided by Anna Need from multiple studies: Study 0 (123 subjects), Study 12 (69 subjects), Study 15 (42 subjects), Study 22 (549 subjects), Study 23 (119 subjects), Study 29 (207 subjects), and Study 6 (398 subjects).  There are 39 subjects in Dr. Anna Need's genotype file but are not included in Schizophrenia Dist. 9.0.

Genetic Data

Full Genome Genotyping

  • 7,584 markers on chr 1-22. 639 subjects. Data is provided by Dr. Mark Brennan from multiple studies.  It includes 424 subjects from CATIE (study 17) and 215 subjects from GAIN.

Genetic Data

Sequence - Targeted Gene

  • Next Generation Sequencing of Two Genes on chr 8 (EGR3 and ARC), 4,066 subjects. This data is available by request due to the large size of the files.  To request shipment, please contact help@nrgr.on.spiceworks.com and reference your active access approval ID.

Targeted Genotyping

  • 14 Genes, 648 SNPs Markers. 1870 cases, 2002 controls. Subjects from multiple studies (NIMH SZ study 0, study 6, study 29).

Genetic Data

Targeted Genotyping

  • 240 SNPs, 42 genes, on Chromosomes 1-6, 8-13, 22, X, Y. 761 subjects from multiple studies (NIMH SZ study 0, study 6, study 12).

Genetic Data

Full Genome Genotyping

  • MGS - Molecular Genetics of Schizophrenia MULTIPLE - Studies 0, 6, 27 and 29 SZ Dataset 37 CNV detection with Birdsuite software of Affymetrix 6.0 genotyping array calls. Subjects were part of the Molecular Genetics of Schizophrenia study. Cases: 3721, Controls: 3851, 52 Families. Analysis data files provided by Dr. Douglas F. Levinson.

Genetic Data

Full Genome Genotyping

  • Full Genome Screen, Alternate version of SZ Dataset 8.01. 455 markers, 261 subjects.
  • Full Genome Screen. 624 markers, 109 subjects.
  • Full Genome Screen, alternate version of SZ Dataset 1.03. 455 markers, 261 subjects.

Sequence - Exome

  • Exome Sequence data (ABI SOLiDv4) on 12 family cases from sites 30 & 32, Dr. Debby Tsuang. BAM files are shipped upon request due to the large size of the files. To request shipment, please contact help@nrgr.on.spiceworks.com and reference your active access approval ID.

Targeted Genotyping

  • 13 markers on chromosome 4, 14 markers on chromosome 22, and 3 SNPs and 1 microsatellite marker in the Sult 4A region on chromosome 22. 169 subjects.
  • 5 BDNF Markers. 42 subjects.
  • 21 Markers on Chromosome 4 and 43 Markers on Chromosome 22. 225 subjects.
  • Syn2 Gene, 4 Microsatellite Markers and 11 SNPs Markers on Chromosome 3. 231 subjects.
  • Alpha2B Adrenoceptor for 26 Trios, 78 subjects.
  • 10 Markers for Chromosome 22, 429 subjects.
  • hKCa3 on Chromosome 1q21, 240 subjects.
  • 9 Markers on Chromosome 6, 371 subjects.
  • 3 Markers on Chromosome 15, 182 subjects.
  • K274E Mutation in PAH, 68 subjects.
  • Aromatic amino acid hydroxylase genes 8 markers for PAH, TPH, TH. 69 subjects.
Clinical Instruments



Diagnostic Interview for Genetic Studies (DIGS) - The CSV-format DIGS interview files provided below are cleaned versions of those received from the original study investigators. While they retain the record layouts and variable naming of their respective DIGS versions, they have had invalid values corrected or removed, date fields converted to a standard format, and their various missing/ unknown values converted to standard textual metavalues in order to avoid misinterpretation. Further details on the cleaning that has been performed are included in the file "sz-digs-cleaning-readme.txt" included in the download. To download the original files as received from study investigators, use "original" links below.

The DIGS data for Study 0 (Sites 30, 31, 32) was collected by using DIGS Version 1.0 or 2.0, both versions have a core of variables in common.

Genetic Data

Full Genome Genotyping

  • 375 Markers on Chromosome 1 to Chromosome 22, 15 Markers on Chromosome X. 2,405 subjects.

Targeted Genotyping

  • PLXNA2 Gene, 3 Microsatellite Markers and 4 SNPs Markers on Chromosome 1. 1,143 subjects.
Clinical Instruments


Diagnostic Interview for Genetic Studies (DIGS) - The CSV-format DIGS interview files provided below are cleaned versions of those received from the original study investigators. While they retain the record layouts and variable naming of their respective DIGS versions, they have had invalid values corrected or removed, date fields converted to a standard format, and their various missing/ unknown values converted to standard textual metavalues in order to avoid misinterpretation. Further details on the cleaning that has been performed are included in the file "sz-digs-cleaning-readme.txt" included in the download. To download the original files as received from study investigators, use "original" links below.

The DIGS data for Study 3a (Site 35) was collected by using DIGS Version 2.0.

Genetic Data

Full Genome Genotyping

  • 401 markers, STRP genotype data from Chromosome 1-23, for 1,422 African American and European American subjects
Clinical Instruments


Diagnostic Interview for Genetic Studies (DIGS) - The CSV-format DIGS interview files provided below are cleaned versions of those received from the original study investigators. While they retain the record layouts and variable naming of their respective DIGS versions, they have had invalid values corrected or removed, date fields converted to a standard format, and their various missing/ unknown values converted to standard textual metavalues in order to avoid misinterpretation. Further details on the cleaning that has been performed are included in the file "sz-digs-cleaning-readme.txt" included in the download. To download the original files as received from study investigators, use "original" links below.

The DIGS data for Study 6 (Sites 41-49) was collected by using DIGS Version 2.1.

Genetic Data

Full Genome Genotyping

  • Full Genome Screen of 1,323 subjects, Illumina 2.5M4; 2.5M8; 550k v1, v2; 610k; 660k
Clinical Instruments


Clinical Instruments



Diagnostic Interview for Genetic Studies (DIGS) - The CSV-format DIGS interview files provided below are cleaned versions of those received from the original study investigators. While they retain the record layouts and variable naming of their respective DIGS versions, they have had invalid values corrected or removed, date fields converted to a standard format, and their various missing/ unknown values converted to standard textual metavalues in order to avoid misinterpretation. Further details on the cleaning that has been performed are included in the file "sz-digs-cleaning-readme.txt" included in the download. To download the original files as received from study investigators, use "original" links below.

The DIGS data for Study 12 (Site 33) was collected by using DIGS Version 2.0.

Genetic Data

Full Genome Genotyping

  • Full Genome Screen - Escamilla 2003 Linkage Data. 434 subjects.
  • Full Genome Screen - Escamilla 2005 Linkage Data. 868 subjects.
Clinical Instruments


Diagnostic Interview for Genetic Studies (DIGS) - The CSV-format DIGS interview files provided below are cleaned versions of those received from the original study investigators. While they retain the record layouts and variable naming of their respective DIGS versions, they have had invalid values corrected or removed, date fields converted to a standard format, and their various missing/ unknown values converted to standard textual metavalues in order to avoid misinterpretation. Further details on the cleaning that has been performed are included in the file "sz-digs-cleaning-readme.txt" included in the download. To download the original files as received from study investigators, use "original" links below.

The DIGS data for Study 13 (Sites 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59) was collected by using DIGS Version 2.0 or 2.1.

Genetic Data

Full Genome Genotyping

  • Chromosomes 1-22, 386 Microsatellite Markers and 93 SNP Markers. 616 subjects.
Clinical Instruments



Diagnostic Interview for Genetic Studies (DIGS) - The CSV-format DIGS interview files provided below are cleaned versions of those received from the original study investigators. While they retain the record layouts and variable naming of their respective DIGS versions, they have had invalid values corrected or removed, date fields converted to a standard format, and their various missing/ unknown values converted to standard textual metavalues in order to avoid misinterpretation. Further details on the cleaning that has been performed are included in the file "sz-digs-cleaning-readme.txt" included in the download. To download the original files as received from study investigators, use "original" links below.

The DIGS data for Study 15 (Sites 70, 71) was collected by using DIGS Version 2.0.

Genetic Data

Full Genome Genotyping

  • CATIE Genome-Wide Association Data. Case-Control. PLINK files from Affymetrix 500k platform. 741 cases, 751 controls.
  • CATIE Genome-Wide Association Data, 291 cases. PLINK files from Affymetrix 6.0 platform. CEL files and CHP files are sent by request due to the large size of the files. To request shipment, please contact help@nrgr.on.spiceworks.com and reference your active access approval ID.
Clinical Instruments


Clinical Trial

  • Clinical Antipsychotic Trials of Intervention Effectiveness data, Including SCID, family interviews, laboratory results, adverse event reports, and more.

Genetic Data

Full Genome Genotyping

  • Full Genome Screen - PAARTNERS. 5,756 markers. 787 subjects.
Clinical Instruments

Clinical Trial


Diagnostic Interview for Genetic Studies (DIGS) - The CSV-format DIGS interview files provided below are cleaned versions of those received from the original study investigators. While they retain the record layouts and variable naming of their respective DIGS versions, they have had invalid values corrected or removed, date fields converted to a standard format, and their various missing/ unknown values converted to standard textual metavalues in order to avoid misinterpretation. Further details on the cleaning that has been performed are included in the file "sz-digs-cleaning-readme.txt" included in the download. To download the original files as received from study investigators, use "original" links below.

The DIGS data for Study 22 (Sites 101-108) was collected by using DIGS Version 3.0 and Version 4.0.

Clinical Instruments


Diagnostic Interview for Genetic Studies (DIGS) - The CSV-format DIGS interview files provided below are cleaned versions of those received from the original study investigators. While they retain the record layouts and variable naming of their respective DIGS versions, they have had invalid values corrected or removed, date fields converted to a standard format, and their various missing/ unknown values converted to standard textual metavalues in order to avoid misinterpretation. Further details on the cleaning that has been performed are included in the file "sz-digs-cleaning-readme.txt" included in the download. To download the original files as received from study investigators, use "original" links below.

The DIGS data for Study 23 (Site 73) was collected by using DIGS Version 2.0.

Clinical Instruments


  • Includes anti-saccade performance data, demographics, GAF, WRAT, and CVLT summary scores, and a number of Cognitive accuracy & speed scores.
  • Includes anti-saccade performance data, demographics, GAF, WRAT, and CVLT summary scores, and a number of Cognitive accuracy & speed scores.

Clinical Instruments


Diagnostic Interview for Genetic Studies (DIGS) - The CSV-format DIGS interview files provided below are cleaned versions of those received from the original study investigators. While they retain the record layouts and variable naming of their respective DIGS versions, they have had invalid values corrected or removed, date fields converted to a standard format, and their various missing/ unknown values converted to standard textual metavalues in order to avoid misinterpretation. Further details on the cleaning that has been performed are included in the file "sz-digs-cleaning-readme.txt" included in the download. To download the original files as received from study investigators, use "original" links below.

The DIGS data for Study 29 (Sites 139-149) was collected by using DIGS Version 2.2.

Clinical Instruments


Diagnostic Interview for Genetic Studies (DIGS) - The CSV-format DIGS interview files provided below are cleaned versions of those received from the original study investigators. While they retain the record layouts and variable naming of their respective DIGS versions, they have had invalid values corrected or removed, date fields converted to a standard format, and their various missing/ unknown values converted to standard textual metavalues in order to avoid misinterpretation. Further details on the cleaning that has been performed are included in the file "sz-digs-cleaning-readme.txt" included in the download. To download the original files as received from study investigators, use "original" links below.

The DIGS data for Study 42 (Site 185) was collected by using DIGS Version 3.0 Revised 7.


Clinical Instruments


Diagnostic Interview for Genetic Studies (DIGS) - The CSV-format DIGS interview files provided below are cleaned versions of those received from the original study investigators. While they retain the record layouts and variable naming of their respective DIGS versions, they have had invalid values corrected or removed, date fields converted to a standard format, and their various missing/ unknown values converted to standard textual metavalues in order to avoid misinterpretation. Further details on the cleaning that has been performed are included in the file "sz-digs-cleaning-readme.txt" included in the download. To download the original files as received from study investigators, use "original" links below.

DIGS data for study 59 is in Comprehensive Assessment of Symptoms and History (CASH) format.

Clinical Instruments


  • Extended diagnosis file (DSM4 codes) and Study-provided diagnosis definitions

Clinical Instruments


Clinical Instruments

Clinical Trial

  • Including demographics, physical & medical exam, SCID, BPRS, CGI, medication logs, adverse event reports, and more.

Genetic Data

Targeted Genotyping

Clinical Instruments


  • Includes OPCRIT data, extended diagnosis file (DSM4), and study-defined diagnosis file.

This study does not have any additional genetic or clinical data. All study data is included in the standard distribution files above.

Clinical Instruments


Genetic Data

Full Genome Genotyping

  • GWAS from Ireland, 3,878 subjects. This dataset is available by request due to the large size of the files, including an archive of genotypes, .cel files, and diagnostic clinical information for the existing samples. Please contact help@nrgr.on.spiceworks.com and reference your active access approval ID.

This study does not have any additional genetic or clinical data. All study data is included in the standard distribution files above.

Clinical Instruments


Diagnostic Interview for Genetic Studies (DIGS) - The CSV-format DIGS interview files provided below are cleaned versions of those received from the original study investigators. While they retain the record layouts and variable naming of their respective DIGS versions, they have had invalid values corrected or removed, date fields converted to a standard format, and their various missing/ unknown values converted to standard textual metavalues in order to avoid misinterpretation. Further details on the cleaning that has been performed are included in the file "sz-digs-cleaning-readme.txt" included in the download. To download the original files as received from study investigators, use "original" links below.

DIGS data for Study 92 (Sites 320-321) were collected by using DIGS Version 2.0

Genetic Data

Sequence - Exome

  • CIAC case-control data. This dataset is available by request due to the large size of the files, including Whole-Exome Sequencing (Illumina HiSeq2000 - 443 subjects, 67 cases), Illumina HumanExome BeadChip (Exome Chip - 319 subjects, 113 cases), Illumina OmniExpress BeadChip (GWAS Chip - 384 subjects, 135 cases) data. Please contact help@nrgr.on.spiceworks.com and reference your active access approval ID.
Clinical Instruments


  • Data on presence of absence of granulocytes during treatment with clozapine, for both cases and controls

Clinical Instruments

Clinical Trial

Clinical Instruments


  • Study-specific diagnosis definitions and blank interview forms.

Genetic Data

Full Genome Genotyping

  • No samples hosted at NIMH Repository and Genomics Resource. This dataset is hosted for public download by request of Pat Sullivan. Data from multi-stage genome-wide association study (GWAS) for schizophrenia beginning with a Swedish national sample (5,001 cases and 6,243 controls) followed by meta-analysis with previous schizophrenia GWAS (8,832 cases and 12,067 controls) and finally by replication of SNPs in 168 genomic regions in independent samples (7,413 cases, 19,762 controls and 581 parent-offspring trios).

CAPS — Combined Analysis of Psychiatric Studies

  • Genome-wide Pedigree Data, December 2012, n=1534 pedigrees.
  • For more information, visit the CAPS homepage.
  • SNP Genotypes for Select Pedigrees, April 2014, n=47 pedigrees, 330 subjects. Affymetrix Axiom Lat platform. .CEL files must be shipped due to the large size of the files. To request shipment, please contact help@nrgr.on.spiceworks.com and reference your active access approval ID.
  • For more information, visit the CAPS homepage.

PGC — Psychiatric GWAS Consortium

MULTIPLE — Studies SZ0, 6, 12, 15, 22, 23, 29

  • Full genome screen, 12,015 markers. 1,546 subjects. Data is provided by Anna Need from multiple studies: Study 0 (123 subjects), Study 12 (69 subjects), Study 15 (42 subjects), Study 22 (549 subjects), Study 23 (119 subjects), Study 29 (207 subjects), and Study 6 (398 subjects).  There are 39 subjects in Dr. Anna Need's genotype file but are not included in Schizophrenia Dist. 9.0.

MULTIPLE — Studies 6, 17, 29

  • 7,584 markers on chr 1-22. 639 subjects. Data is provided by Dr. Mark Brennan from multiple studies.  It includes 424 subjects from CATIE (study 17) and 215 subjects from GAIN.

MULTIPLE — Study 29 Controls (full dataset in SZ collection)

  • MGS - Molecular Genetics of Schizophrenia MULTIPLE - Studies 0, 6, 27 and 29 SZ Dataset 37 CNV detection with Birdsuite software of Affymetrix 6.0 genotyping array calls. Subjects were part of the Molecular Genetics of Schizophrenia study. Cases: 3721, Controls: 3851, 52 Families. Analysis data files provided by Dr. Douglas F. Levinson.

SZ0 — NIMH SZ Genetics Initiative

  • Full Genome Screen, Alternate version of SZ Dataset 8.01. 455 markers, 261 subjects.
  • Full Genome Screen. 624 markers, 109 subjects.
  • Full Genome Screen, alternate version of SZ Dataset 1.03. 455 markers, 261 subjects.

Study 3 — Genetic Linkage Study of Schizophrenia

  • 375 Markers on Chromosome 1 to Chromosome 22, 15 Markers on Chromosome X. 2,405 subjects.

Study 6 — Molecular Genetics of Schizophrenia

  • 401 markers, STRP genotype data from Chromosome 1-23, for 1,422 African American and European American subjects

Study 9 — A Study of Schizophrenia - PI: Weinberger

  • Full Genome Screen of 1,323 subjects, Illumina 2.5M4; 2.5M8; 550k v1, v2; 610k; 660k

Study 13 — Genetics of Schizophrenia in Latino Populations

  • Full Genome Screen - Escamilla 2003 Linkage Data. 434 subjects.
  • Full Genome Screen - Escamilla 2005 Linkage Data. 868 subjects.

Study 15 — A Neurobehavioral Family Study of Schizophrenia

  • Chromosomes 1-22, 386 Microsatellite Markers and 93 SNP Markers. 616 subjects.

Study 17 — Clinical Antipsychotic Trials of Intervention Effectiveness (CATIE)

  • CATIE Genome-Wide Association Data. Case-Control. PLINK files from Affymetrix 500k platform. 741 cases, 751 controls.
  • CATIE Genome-Wide Association Data, 291 cases. PLINK files from Affymetrix 6.0 platform. CEL files and CHP files are sent by request due to the large size of the files. To request shipment, please contact help@nrgr.on.spiceworks.com and reference your active access approval ID.

Study 22 — Project among African-Americans to explore risks for schizophrenia (PAARTNERS)

  • Full Genome Screen - PAARTNERS. 5,756 markers. 787 subjects.

Study 90 — A genome-wide association study of Schizophrenia in Ireland

  • GWAS from Ireland, 3,878 subjects. This dataset is available by request due to the large size of the files, including an archive of genotypes, .cel files, and diagnostic clinical information for the existing samples. Please contact help@nrgr.on.spiceworks.com and reference your active access approval ID.

SWEDEN — SZ Dataset 29

  • No samples hosted at NIMH Repository and Genomics Resource. This dataset is hosted for public download by request of Pat Sullivan. Data from multi-stage genome-wide association study (GWAS) for schizophrenia beginning with a Swedish national sample (5,001 cases and 6,243 controls) followed by meta-analysis with previous schizophrenia GWAS (8,832 cases and 12,067 controls) and finally by replication of SNPs in 168 genomic regions in independent samples (7,413 cases, 19,762 controls and 581 parent-offspring trios).

MULTIPLE — Studies SZ0, 6, 29

  • 14 Genes, 648 SNPs Markers. 1870 cases, 2002 controls. Subjects from multiple studies (NIMH SZ study 0, study 6, study 29).

MULTIPLE — Studies SZ0, 6, 12

  • 240 SNPs, 42 genes, on Chromosomes 1-6, 8-13, 22, X, Y. 761 subjects from multiple studies (NIMH SZ study 0, study 6, study 12).

SZ0 — NIMH SZ Genetics Initiative

  • 13 markers on chromosome 4, 14 markers on chromosome 22, and 3 SNPs and 1 microsatellite marker in the Sult 4A region on chromosome 22. 169 subjects.
  • 5 BDNF Markers. 42 subjects.
  • 21 Markers on Chromosome 4 and 43 Markers on Chromosome 22. 225 subjects.
  • Syn2 Gene, 4 Microsatellite Markers and 11 SNPs Markers on Chromosome 3. 231 subjects.
  • Alpha2B Adrenoceptor for 26 Trios, 78 subjects.
  • 10 Markers for Chromosome 22, 429 subjects.
  • hKCa3 on Chromosome 1q21, 240 subjects.
  • 9 Markers on Chromosome 6, 371 subjects.
  • 3 Markers on Chromosome 15, 182 subjects.
  • K274E Mutation in PAH, 68 subjects.
  • Aromatic amino acid hydroxylase genes 8 markers for PAH, TPH, TH. 69 subjects.

Study 3 — Genetic Linkage Study of Schizophrenia

  • PLXNA2 Gene, 3 Microsatellite Markers and 4 SNPs Markers on Chromosome 1. 1,143 subjects.

Study 76 — Genomic Psychiatry Cohort (GPC)

SZ0 — NIMH SZ Genetics Initiative

  • Exome Sequence data (ABI SOLiDv4) on 12 family cases from sites 30 & 32, Dr. Debby Tsuang. BAM files are shipped upon request due to the large size of the files. To request shipment, please contact help@nrgr.on.spiceworks.com and reference your active access approval ID.

Study 94 — Common and rare variant genetic screens for clozopine-induced agranulocytosis (CIAC)

  • CIAC case-control data. This dataset is available by request due to the large size of the files, including Whole-Exome Sequencing (Illumina HiSeq2000 - 443 subjects, 67 cases), Illumina HumanExome BeadChip (Exome Chip - 319 subjects, 113 cases), Illumina OmniExpress BeadChip (GWAS Chip - 384 subjects, 135 cases) data. Please contact help@nrgr.on.spiceworks.com and reference your active access approval ID.

MULTIPLE — Studies SZ0, 6, 29

  • Next Generation Sequencing of Two Genes on chr 8 (EGR3 and ARC), 4,066 subjects. This data is available by request due to the large size of the files.  To request shipment, please contact help@nrgr.on.spiceworks.com and reference your active access approval ID.

Diagnostic Interview for Genetic Studies (DIGS) - The CSV-format DIGS interview files provided below are cleaned versions of those received from the original study investigators. While they retain the record layouts and variable naming of their respective DIGS versions, they have had invalid values corrected or removed, date fields converted to a standard format, and their various missing/ unknown values converted to standard textual metavalues in order to avoid misinterpretation. Further details on the cleaning that has been performed are included in the file "sz-digs-cleaning-readme.txt" included in the download. To download the original files as received from study investigators, use "original" links below.

SZ0 — NIMH SZ Genetics Initiative

The DIGS data for Study 0 (Sites 30, 31, 32) was collected by using DIGS Version 1.0 or 2.0, both versions have a core of variables in common.

Study 3 — Genetic Linkage Study of Schizophrenia

The DIGS data for Study 3a (Site 35) was collected by using DIGS Version 2.0.

Study 6 — Molecular Genetics of Schizophrenia

The DIGS data for Study 6 (Sites 41-49) was collected by using DIGS Version 2.1.

Study 12 — Genetic Analysis of Psychosis

The DIGS data for Study 12 (Site 33) was collected by using DIGS Version 2.0.

Study 13 — Genetics of Schizophrenia in Latino Populations

The DIGS data for Study 13 (Sites 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59) was collected by using DIGS Version 2.0 or 2.1.

Study 15 — A Neurobehavioral Family Study of Schizophrenia

The DIGS data for Study 15 (Sites 70, 71) was collected by using DIGS Version 2.0.

Study 22 — Project among African-Americans to explore risks for schizophrenia (PAARTNERS)

The DIGS data for Study 22 (Sites 101-108) was collected by using DIGS Version 3.0 and Version 4.0.

Study 23 — Genetic Susceptibility in Schizophrenia

The DIGS data for Study 23 (Site 73) was collected by using DIGS Version 2.0.

Study 29 — Molecular Genetics of Schizophrenia

The DIGS data for Study 29 (Sites 139-149) was collected by using DIGS Version 2.2.

Study 42 — A Genome Wide SNP Association Study: Schizophrenia

The DIGS data for Study 42 (Site 185) was collected by using DIGS Version 3.0 Revised 7.

Study 59 — High-Density Genome-Wide Association Study of Schizophrenia in Large Dutch Sample

DIGS data for study 59 is in Comprehensive Assessment of Symptoms and History (CASH) format.

Study 92 — Family-Based Genome-Wide Methylation Scan in Neurocognition and Schizophrenia

DIGS data for Study 92 (Sites 320-321) were collected by using DIGS Version 2.0

Study 9 — A Study of Schizophrenia - PI: Weinberger

Study 27 — The Genetics of Endophenotypes and Schizophrenia

  • Includes anti-saccade performance data, demographics, GAF, WRAT, and CVLT summary scores, and a number of Cognitive accuracy & speed scores.
  • Includes anti-saccade performance data, demographics, GAF, WRAT, and CVLT summary scores, and a number of Cognitive accuracy & speed scores.

Study 42 — A Genome Wide SNP Association Study: Schizophrenia

Study 67 — Population Based Mapping of Schizophrenia Genes

  • Extended diagnosis file (DSM4 codes) and Study-provided diagnosis definitions

Study 68 — Biological Prediction of Psychosis Susceptibility among Adolescent Cannabis Users

Study 76 — Genomic Psychiatry Cohort (GPC)

  • Includes OPCRIT data, extended diagnosis file (DSM4), and study-defined diagnosis file.

Study 85 — Language and Risk in Schizophrenia

Study 94 — Common and rare variant genetic screens for clozopine-induced agranulocytosis (CIAC)

  • Data on presence of absence of granulocytes during treatment with clozapine, for both cases and controls

Study 122 — Characterization of a Mendelian Form of Psychosis in a Population Isolate

  • Study-specific diagnosis definitions and blank interview forms.

SZ0 — NIMH SZ Genetics Initiative

Study 12 — Genetic Analysis of Psychosis

Study 15 — A Neurobehavioral Family Study of Schizophrenia

Study 17 — Clinical Antipsychotic Trials of Intervention Effectiveness (CATIE)

Study 17 — Clinical Antipsychotic Trials of Intervention Effectiveness (CATIE)

  • Clinical Antipsychotic Trials of Intervention Effectiveness data, Including SCID, family interviews, laboratory results, adverse event reports, and more.

Study 22 — Project among African-Americans to explore risks for schizophrenia (PAARTNERS)

Study 72 — Prediction of Relapse in Schizophrenia (PROACTIVE)

  • Including demographics, physical & medical exam, SCID, BPRS, CGI, medication logs, adverse event reports, and more.

Study 104 — Comparison of Long-Acting Injectable Medications for Schizophrenia (ACLAIMS)